Wednesday 12 January 2011

Shadow Wave: The final installment of CHERUB

  August saw the release of the much long  awaited final installment of CHERUB! My review is here:
  • In the twelfth and final book, it saw James leaving CHERUB and going on his final mission. It also delves into ex-CHERUB agent, Kyle Blueman's past.
  •    This story was worth the wait, with high speed action sequences that you could see happening in front of you and certain bits that tugged on the emotions . Its a great end to the series, especially if you've grown up with the series, as most readers have done. 
  •   The language was easy to read, and although having some very explicit language, is able for most readers. Muchamore has done very well in captivating readers in the intricate pasts of the characters and the realistic emotions. Throughout the series, this author has explored loads of tough issues, from gang worlds, to drugs and social problems to animal abuse.
  • The characters in his books are sometimes based on other people, and sometimes plucked from his imagination. No matter which method he takes, they all are very lifelike, and help keep the book together. If you read the rest of this series, in the right order, you'll find that you either grow up with the characters, or you watch the characters grow with the books!
  •    As Muchamore has said in many of his interviews, he has gone and explored pretty much all of the places in which he writes about in his books, and he spends a long time describing the detail, making you feel like your there! In particular, in one of the earlier books, where two of the characters had to stay in a maximum security cell in Arizona, USA, he spent a certain number of weeks looking at them, and seeing all the different places.
  •   Overall, seeing as Robert Muchamore only started this series so his nephew had something to read in the summer holidays, this final book gets a very well deserved 9 and a half out of 10.
  • If you want to find out more information on the author, then go to his fansite,
  • Any other information can be found  on my media page, on this website, in the Archive.